Fondata nel 1999 da Mariano L. Bianca, Arkete intende intervenire su temi e problemi rilevanti per la teoresi filosofica, con un’attenzione particolare per la metafisica, la filosofia della mente e l’etica pubblica. Dal 2015 Arkete pubblica numeri monografici, curati da studiosi esperti nei loro campi, fornendo molteplici prospettive su specifici temi. La rivista è interamente accessibile online e pubblica articoli in lingua italiana e inglese.

Founded in 1999 by Mariano L. Bianca, Arkete deals with issues and problems relevant to philosophical theory, with particular attention to philosophy of mind, metaphysics and public ethics. Since 2015, Arkete has published thematic issues, edited by scholars who are experts in their fields, providing a variety of different perspectives upon specific themes. The journal is full open access and publishes papers in Italian and English.

“In the universal silence of nature and in the calm of the senses the immortal spirit’s hidden faculty of knowledge speaks an ineffable language and gives [us] undeveloped concepts, which are indeed felt, but do not let themselves be described.”

Immanuel Kant, Universal History of Nature and Theory of the Heavens (1755)

Last Issue



ARKETE 2023 (VI)